26 research outputs found

    Morita theory for Hopf algebroids, principal bibundles, and weak equivalences

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    We show that two flat commutative Hopf algebroids are Morita equivalent if and only if they are weakly equivalent and if and only if there exists a principal bibundle connecting them. This gives a positive answer to a conjecture due to Hovey and Strickland. We also prove that principal (left) bundles lead to a bicategory together with a 2-functor from flat Hopf algebroids to trivial principal bundles. This turns out to be the universal solution for 2-functors which send weak equivalences to invertible 1-cells. Our approach can be seen as an algebraic counterpart to Lie groupoid Morita theory.Comment: 50 pages; v2: added a section in which we exhibit the categorical group structure of monoidal symmetric autoequivalences. v3: added a section which explains the abstract groupoid case as a guideline and for motivation. To appear in Doc. Mat

    Topological tensor product of bimodules, complete Hopf Algebroids and convolution algebras

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    Given a finitely generated and projective Lie-Rinehart algebra, we show that there is a continuous homomorphism of complete commutative Hopf algebroids between the completion of the finite dual of its universal enveloping Hopf algebroid and the associated convolution algebra. The topological Hopf algebroid structure of this convolution algebra is here clarified, by providing an explicit description of its topological antipode as well as of its other structure maps. Conditions under which that homomorphism becomes an homeomorphism are also discussed. These results, in particular, apply to the smooth global sections of any Lie algebroid over a smooth (connected) manifold and they lead a new formal groupoid scheme to enter into the picture. In the Appendix we develop the necessary machinery behind complete Hopf algebroid constructions, which involves also the topological tensor product of filtered bimodules over filtered rings.Comment: Minor changes, 33 pages. To appear in CC

    Towards differentiation and integration between Hopf algebroids and Lie algebroids

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    In this paper we set up the foundations around the notions of formal differentiation and formal integration in the context of commutative Hopf algebroids and Lie-Rinehart algebras. Specifically, we construct a contravariant functor from the category of commutative Hopf algebroids with a fixed base algebra to that of Lie-Rinehart algebras over the same algebra, the differentiation functor, which can be seen as an algebraic counterpart to the differentiation process from Lie groupoids to Lie algebroids. The other way around, we provide two interrelated contravariant functors form the category of Lie-Rinehart algebras to that of commutative Hopf algebroids, the integration functors. One of them yields a contravariant adjunction together with the differentiation functor. Under mild conditions, essentially on the base algebra, the other integration functor only induces an adjunction at the level of Galois Hopf algebroids. By employing the differentiation functor, we also analyse the geometric separability of a given morphism of Hopf algebroids. Several examples and applications are presented along the exposition.Comment: Minor changes. Comments are very welcome

    Functorial Constructions for Non-associative Algebras with Applications to Quasi-bialgebras

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    The aim of this paper is to establish a contravariant adjunction between the category of quasi-bialgebras and a suitable full subcategory of dual quasi-bialgebras, adapting the notion of finite dual to this framework. Various functorial constructions involving non-associative algebras and non-coassociative coalgebras are then carried out. Several examples illustrating our methods are expounded as well